There Is So Much To Be Said About Womanhood

Being a modern-day woman is an incredible gift, but that also brings along with it some incredible challenges. Not only are we expected to juggle more, do more, be more and feel more, but we're also expected to sacrifice ourselves to do all of that for other people. We've probably all given up more of ourselves than we would like to admit and have all found ourselves wondering who we really are and what we really want. 

There have been so many women I work with that have talked about losing themselves, giving up some of their dreams, sacrificing their bodies to children, and living in a constant state of exhaustion and anxiety. That leaves them feeling like they're running in circles and running out of time. Women like you and me who don't just need to be good at all of our "jobs", but need to feel good about ourselves, too. That's why I've chosen to dedicate my practice to making sure there's no woman left out of the sisterhood that is the incredible journey that we call life. It's never too late to stop the train, and change the path. It's never too late to become who you want to be and live the life you want to live. 

Some of the things we can overcome together are:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Relationship Struggles
  • Self-Worth and Confidence
  • Career Changes
  • Grief and Change
  • Disordered Eating and Self-Image